Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Triggers of Memories

Spending quite a bit of my time out here on the LMA my mind wonders continuously. Not a problem because I remember all the best first.

This is the same tomato, although the first one was a little bigger, you get the picture. I rewarded my neighbor lady with the first one, because she is so kind to me.

I would remember Grand Pa's garden then hang my head in shame. Grandma would put up as much stuff as you could bring in the house, and never complain. Matter of fact she thought that was the normal way people with any sense should live.

I am so proud of this one tomato, I need to hang my head in shame! Like Grandpa I should have bushel baskets of them waiting to be put up.
So many times ( excuse me; the very rare times; I was allowed to visit), I saw what and where we came from and the principles that kept us close as Murphy's. Yes my mind does wonder, Thanks Grandpa & Grandma--------------m.

Friday, June 17, 2011

They're Here!

Dad (Merle) and Louise made it to Eilena's yesterday. They visited and then headed to Darryl's for dinner and a bed. Mike is in town and blessed me with a visit yesterday. Gail, traveling with Glenn and Maria, called me from just outside of Reno yesterday morning while I was frantically racing around Costco! They should be here by now. I'm not sure where David is yet, but I know he was on the road and Cheryl also! I'm picking Pat up at the airport around 2:45 this afternoon.

Breakfast-in-a-bag at Eilena's this morning at 10:00! Then Burgers and Chorizos there around 4:00!
Can't wait to see you all!


Monday, June 13, 2011

Closer Still!

So, I hear Glenn and Maria are in California with Gail and Jerry. I'm so excited! My dear husband, Chet, who is working 6 days a week, 12 hours a day right now has been so generously helping me get the yard and patio up to snuff for your enjoyment. He's the best! He's going to miss most of the reunion gatherings because of his schedule, but he so wants to see everyone. I found some more old photos I had scanned and put on a cd. I will try to blog some of them soon. Gotta go now, so many things to do! Love ya!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Got an email from Dave today...

Hello Kathleen,
Looks like we're headed to Idaho.
Bought tickets and reservations at the La Quinta in Caldwell.
I let the reunion instigator know.
She said that's closet to her house.
Looking forward to meeting and seeing you all.
Dave Murphy

We are so excited! Glad they are coming, and the rest of you too!

Monday, March 21, 2011

A Gathering of Information...

Silly me, it just occurred to me some of you may be needing a little more information about the area and the tentative agenda for our little gathering. So, if you have any questions at all, please contact Eilena or myself.

  • Fairfield Inn and Suites is probably the most central to all reunion locations, and just off the freeway nearest my home. Click here for the Google Map.
  • Chet and I have plenty of space for anyone who might want to throw up a tent and an air mattress in the back yard or even a camper or small travel trailer.
  • Friday brunch at Eilena's
  • Friday Burgers & Dogs BBQ at Darryl's
  • Saturday Breakfast Kathleen's
  • Saturday afternoon more food and visiting at Kathleen's
  • If anyone has anything they would like to do or see, please let us know!
  • Much fun will be had!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Geo Hunting Lesson

Hey Grandpa, I don't want to sit here and watch Baseball any longer.

what do you want to do?

I want to go Pheasant Hunting.



Take this 12 gauge,and here is a shell.

One shell Grandpa?

How many shells do you need to kill a Pheasant?


OK- kill one Pheasant; bring it back; and I will give you another shell.

Grandpa--I missed---See You Next Week---I can't afford Your Hunting!

I Didn't Miss the next time!


Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I'm not sure what that gadget is precisely. It has an LP on it and looks like it's also a projector? Yep, that's my dad!

Something from Cheryl

This photo came from Cheryl. I am posting photos people send me, and I hope you will add your stories and comments on them!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Eilena and DeWayne September 1949

Eilena and DeWayne
"All my brothers were special. 
But DeWayne is the one who always showed his love the most. 
And was always proud of me no matter what. 
I miss him too."